Feb 07, 2005 20:46
well i'm in a rush because as always i have loads of work to do.. but i'll just write alittle someting for any of you who arent going crazy to read
today was an okay day in school- bores wasnt there so our midterm got switched to wednesday which is good because i got to get my nails done today but bad because now im not gonna be able to watch my two shows tomorrow, oh well- i'll tape them
besdies that nothing happened.. same old shit..
my best friend cristina picked me up from school today which was soo much fun & then we picked up my brother and went out to get lunch.. how wonderful she is..
then she came here for alittle chilled untill mommy got home and then i went to get my nails done with my other favorite person cristie.. FINALLY they needed to be done soooo baddd - then we stopped at dunkin donuts to fulfill my ususal coffee craving-- and cristie got one too because she loves me, but now tries to blame me that it gives her a headache.. haha puh-leasee...
hah while she was getting her pedicure & manicure i read like 20 pages of the crucible which was good consdiering i didnt read any.. but now i gotta read more.. plus i have loads of other work to do so i should get crackin on it
okay well i'm out .. but by the way my new favorite song is going crazy by natalie...
okay peacE l=ove you!