Sep 25, 2005 00:23
Hey yaw!What's crackin?Well.Past couple of days have been puRdy g00d.Friday..I talked to Grissell all day .Then I got ready to go to the m0vies w/ Laura , Bradley , && Cody.We saw Cry Wolf.Yeah.I'm still confused.Don't git it.But it wasn't what I pictured it to be.But yeahh..Then me && Laura came h0me..&& Just hung out..I talked to Cody Hurst.He found out who I freakin have feelin's f0r && thinks I should tell this pers0n.Dangit!I don't wanna.But no one go ask him who it iz.Cause it's a secret!Hehe!=).Well.Yeah.Me && Laura bought $15.oo of Candy last night && it was just great.Lol.I was hyper.But Laura wasn't.Well we stuck out a thousand times to roll our own yard.Yeah I know.Purdy lame.But still.It got in the neighbor's yard && they said they were gonna call , && we told them it was s0me of our friends!Ha!Yeah..Anywayz...Today got up..cleaned the yard up.Got ready to go to Granny's funeral.I sware.I feel oh sO bad f0r my Grissell.I love you Grissell && I Know this is so hard.But just take it a day at the time && God will help you through it.&& I'll help as much as I possibly can.You know I will.But yeah..Anyways.So after the funeral.Me && Laura chilled here.Had a toliet paper war f0r lyke 2 hours.We went to Taco Bell.Now we have to boyfriends there.Gosh!Lol.I sware.Myne && Laura's thang iz Toliet Paper Wars now!!but tonight..I met this Guy.He iz lyke Perfect so far.&& Ugh!He told me I was the perfect gurl.I'm not tellin who it iz yet.But we're talking about hookin up.So yay!I'm really happy.
But I guess I'm outi!I gotta go call *him* back!Oh yeah.Now there's TWO people yaw don't know about!Ha Ha Ha!
Well I love you allll!<33333.
bOo&&poO bGfE
PsH.My FriEnDz Are h0tter than youRz!
KayTeEbOoBaByGurL!♥ ♥ ♥