Sep 15, 2005 11:54
Hey yaw! What's crackin...Well I'm back home!We weren't supose to be home until Friday..But our reservations got messed up at my sister's yuHh.We should've stayed at ourz!! Cause I so wasn't ready to come home to all this draMa crap!But I had a realllly good time down there.We left late Saturday night , we ate at the pancake house!yummy!! in the world..Lol..then we went && got our roOm.I loved it.It reminded me of the one in Disney World , cause it was the same resOrt thang at my sister's && I had a reallllly big bed && bathtub thangy at DisneyWorld..&& we had realllly bigg bathtub && bed!! But I didn't git the bed ,cause my sister only rented a one bedroom , so I got the fold out couch.=)!It slept good , so it didn't matter.Well , Sunday , we just went sh0ppin 'er mainly lookin in stores && stufferz...But then I forgot what else we did , all I remmeber iz goen to the room really late.Anywayz..Then Monday we got up about 11:oo && ate breakfast it was yummy=) && then we drove around alot && then we went to Piegon Forge..then we went back downtown to Gatlinburg && walked around all night!!=)!! && just to let everyone know..I don't have beEf w/ anyone...So don't start any w/ mee!Cause I've been gone && the only people I talked to was Laura .&& Didn't talk to her very long.But yuHh we went back in purDy late Monday night too..I slept rllly good!Well then Tuesday we got about 1o:oo && ate breakfast..once again..yummy=)!Lol.then we drove around && had alot of fun && just cut up w/ each other.Then I went to Aeorpostale , PacSun , && Rue 21.I got a skirt frum Aeropostale.Gahh..that iz my fav. place!!! Well we were gonna go to A-ber-crombie-*lOl Laura!!* Hollister && American Eagle..but the closet one was in Knoxville && we didn't wanna drive that far.So then Tuesday night...I was gonna go swimming..but I wanted to go back Downtown..I picked out myne && Laura's shirts && they're haWt!Lol.Then we went in around 12:oo 'er so that night.Okay Wednesday kinda ruined our trip.We were lyke asleep at 1o:3o && this woman called && was lyke checkout time was 3o minutes ago , && Momma iz lyke we ain't supose to check out until tommorow morning.But my sister messd up the reservations so we just had to throw everything together && leave.My sister offered to let us stay another night..but we weren't gonna use their point things , cause my Brother*in*Law iz coming up there next week..But yeah , I got myne && Laura's shirts downtown && then I got me one of those popular sequen purses!Their hott! I got a good deal too..$19.oo!They were alot cheaper there than they were here...So yuHh.It's blue && it's hawt!But I think we're fixin to go down toward's dothan.I may go to the game tonight , not sure , have to see if we're back in time.But I'm gonna go! I love you all!!
There'z iz this guy..But NO ONE knowz about him!!=)!