
Sep 04, 2005 15:15

Hey yaw!! What's crackin?Nothing much here..Juss bored && thinking...So yeah , last entry..I've just been sad since this morning && since we "talked" ...yeah , this morning got up , we got rObbed last night , Suckz! But anyways..Then I got ready && then went to my g*ma's church...well , it was just a sight...We had to ride home w/ David 2day && guess who else rode w/ us??David..yeah..I said David...He still wouldn't look at mee , && it just hurt && made me mad! Then , we got to my g*ma's house && I gave him a note && then he didn't look as sad 'er w/e...&& then his g*ma told us to go outside && talk.I was kinda hoping something would happen..But all I wound up doen was lyke crying && had to turn the other way...Then when they left , I just broke down! Urgh! I wish this all wouldn't have happened.Yeah , I totally lyke being single..But I miss him , cause we lyke are meant to be together.But...God will put us together if it's trUe.Soo on other good points..I have no idea what we are doen for Labor day , I wanna do something..but there lyke ain't anything to do , so it will probably just be a 'ole borin day! Well , I got a job every sunday now..Play the piano..I git paid too..heck yuHh baby! lol.But yeah , anyways....I've got a headache..STILLLL...GOSHHHHHH...But yeah , I guess Imma gunna go! I love you all! && that someone....

*I love you Baby , I love you too SugAr DuMpLinGz!*Gotta love Grissell && Kato!
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