Aug 31, 2005 01:01
Hey yaw...Well , guess what..He did cheat on me. Well , here's how it went..
Someone called && told me , about that he really did cheat on me && that he wanted to break up because he wanted to be free to do what he wanted to do.But he wanted to tell me to my face..well , I called him && I was lyke I heard you were cheatin on me , but of course he denied it && his own brother said he was cheating on me with some gurl in 7th grade named Rebeca.So , I called David back && told him I was just going to go ahead && break up with him.So yeah , I broke up with him.But he was cheating on me.Oh my gah , I went by his house && layed on the horn && screamed "CHEATING JERK!" it was funny! I felt better after I did it tho! So Laura && Cody && Lacey have been keepin me laughin all night! But I can't go to sleep && I've got skewl in the morning && gotta babysit.My plans for this weekend are , goen to the movies =) , yay! && I don't know what else. But yuh , I'm goin to Gatlinburg in a couple of weeks! Yaya! Well , I don't know how well I'm exactly taking all of this about David..but I'm gonna make it && I'm gonna find me another guy! =)! So ya..I mean , there will always be that part I have for David..but , I'm going to have to move on && that might mean just not talking about him , or writing I love you everywhere about him...&& just maybe I'll git over him..HOPEFULLY! I think I will...But yeah , I'm not going to waste my time about writing about him in my lj! Omg , on my desktop background I've got a background of alotta of hott guyz..its funny...Laura made it for me! Thank yoO bAby guRrl! Lol.But yeah , I'm gonna go talk to Laura && Cody! Love you all.
there's this guy...i lyke..but i don't know what to do! gahhh!