Oct 12, 2005 03:06
wow it's really fucking crazy the difference that a few months can make... and i know i haven't updated this in forever... and nobody will probably ever read this but i don't care. it makes me sick to think about how shitty people really are. the only thing anybody gives a shit about is themselves. basically i've figured it out. all of the people that i used to rely on as "friends" never gave a shit about me. i was a car. or whatever else they wanted to use me for. i mean don't get me wrong. theres' tricia. and page. and yeah.. there's travis. but after them who the fuck do i have. i have my family. and i guess that i should feel so lucky to have those truely awesome people care about me.. and i do... but really. do u know how many "friends" i've lost just over this past summer. my life isn't the same at all. i'm not the same at all. i don't know what to think about anything anymore. and nobody is helping me how i need them to. it seems like i have nothing. and no.. this isn't one of those entries that i always see ppl writing so that people will feel sorry for them. this is just a way for me to let shit out that i have nobody else to say it to.. jsut because i already know how they will all react. goddamn... i'm so sick of all this shit. i want to just run the fuck away. and never come back to this fucking shitty ass town where people have nothing better to do than to fucking talk shit.