Mar 10, 2005 16:18
I know this is horrible, but I have broken up with Josh. And yes, it is because of this anonymous poster. I dont care if its true or not. I shouldn't be ridiculed for dating someone. I dont deserve it from ANYONE. And whoever this person is, you are pathetic. Have fun with your little anonymous comments and making everyone feel bad to make yourself feel better. But to the rest of the world, you are shit. And that's all you ever will be. You are not a good person at all. And yes, you are a slut if you agree to have sex with someone while they have a girlfriend. If thats what Josh is doing to you, he doesnt care for you, or he would have broken up with me to be with you. So have fun with your little fantasies and what not. You have ruined a relationship with your lies or truths. I dont know what they are and truthfully, I dont care. When you want to fess up and take responsibility for the pain you've caused to everyone on here, let me know. I'd like to know who ruined my relationship. You fucking piece of horse shit.
You know, I've been thinking. Why is it that all humans want what they can't have. If they know they cant have it, they want it even more. It ridiculous.
You have done what you set out to do. You have hurt me. I am fed up with your ranting about Josh. Now you can stop. But dont get me wrong. The day I find out who you are, you better watch your fucking back. Cause I know you arent going to tell me who you are. You know how bad it would make you look. And you also know that would get your ass kicked by me and a few other people. Thats why you wont tell me your name. Bitch.