Alright well, I started out with Law with Seany and Lindsey. Me N Sean talked all period about.. I don't remember. Lol. But we did. Oh yeah, now we're "BFFEAAUTWFAABEUAWTOOLAFE" ..which means: Best Friends For Ever And Always Until The World Falls Apart And Blows Everyone Up And We're The Only Ones Left And Fuck Everyone... lol. We REALLY have too much time on our hands...
Then I went to weightlifting.. Ashley and I put together the football playbooks... yeah, we never weight lift. =)
Then English.. We were in the library so Lynds and I just clicked around on the computer.. =)
Lunch, with Valene, who just got back from her cruise. Heard a lot about it... Nick and his family went too, which I know I neglected to mention... lol... wow, just wow. ::laughs::
Chemistry... with Nick=) I've missed my Chem Buddy. He told me about the cruise.. and again.. WOW...
Yeah, well talked to my sister about Scotty.. she wasn't very nurturing... but it may give you a laugh:
"It's not that big of a deal, you like a boy, the sky's not falling, Chicken Little!" -- Kelly.
"I don't know what to do!" -- Yours Truely.
"And I don't know what to wear tomorrow, we all have our problems." -- Kelly.
"He looks kind of like a fifth grader..." -- Kelly.
"SHUT UP! ...So, what do I just tell him?" -- Yours Truely.
"Yeah." -- Kelly.
"Ugh, I can't." -- Yours Truely.
"Want me to tell him?" -- Kelly.
"You don't even know him!" -- Yours Truely.
"Sorry I haven't been hanging around the fifth grade lately!" -- Kelly.
Ugh. She's a bitch. =) I'm so whiney... So glad I have people to put up with me. =) Well, that's definitely all... AH the angst.. or something... Yeah I KNOW it's not that big of a deal... Yeah I know I'm a drama mama... But... Oh this is difficult. Lol.=)