May 27, 2009 21:42
Well, looks like me updating this definatly did not work out. I just made a ringtone for the first time, i'm so happy! It's No Boundries by Kris Allen! ahhaha
okay well i do have a lot to say, but i just won't say it.
This week has been alright so far. Over the weekend i had my last volleyball tournament with my team, I am really gunna miss them, i wont get to see them til October at tryouts cuz they all live in different places. This past tournament was a huge tournament, it was the National Junior Classic, which has teams from Michigan, Indiana, Orlando, Kentucky and so on. Competition was hard, and i was playing on a hurt foot. There were so many college scouts i cant even tell you, and it was so embarrassing considering we only won 2 matches out of 6 and each time they were watching we were loosing.. Penn State watched us..HOLY CRAP, PENN STATE. Okay i know u are probably like who cares, but holy crapppp Penn State is the best volleyball team in the nation, omg,. There were plenty of other schools like Wisconsin, LSU, Ballstate. but on the plus side in Indy i played the best volleyball of my life, and there were scouts watching! YAYAYAY! if only i was smart enough... well i truly am sad that season is over, this was the best club season i have had and i finally found a team i love, cant wait for next yearrr!
On Sunday we went to Mongolian after and omg HOTT CHEF, me and Em stalked him... lmao lmao. we were talking to him like the whole time, he didnt care we were flirting, he was awesome, and he of course has the name Ryan, i mean who doesnt.... hahah OH AND JULIET OUR WAITER WAS AWESOME.
okay enough rambling about volleyball.
now since i am done and have been in terrible pain the past couple of weeks, i am, yes once again, in a boot. Last year i was in it 2 times, this year once. the one thing i hate about it is the fact its noticeable and everyoneeeeee i mean EVERYONE, even people idk ask me what happened. its hard to explain.. for the short end of it, my joints are popping in and out of my foot and i cant put pressure on one side. oh and walking up and down the stairs sucks butt and if one more person trips me in the hall... LKJSDFLKDSLKFJS. yeah okay. my spanish teacher flipped out today and made me put it up... it was embarrassing.
okay so this is really long.
i'm still going.
well i havent talked to much people lately, and its not really what i expected but i just live with it i guess... theres only so much you can do. I am getting really close to my family, i jsut learn to always be close to them because they will always be there for you no matter what. I really do miss all my friends, not just my recent ones but everytime i pass my old friends in the hall it upsets me, thats not a lie... my best friend since 2nd grade wont even say hi to me in the hall when i say hi to her...we never got in a fight, she just wont talk to me. it upsets me. oh and some people have been pissing me off... like when people only want every guy to like you and wont introduce me to ONE GUY, one freaken guy.. seriously! i am so pissed... ugh frustrating. i give up, well idk but yeah.
this is long, and quite pointless and i know only Tracie will read this.
OH and Paranoid... LOVE THE VIDEO, HOLY CRAPPPPPPPPPPPPP best freaken video ever, and a fantastic song.
and i still go by my word JB "Once a fan, always a fan."
i'm not giving up.
alala okay so i am super tired, i have been lately which is weird considering i have no volleyball.
OH AND I HATE MY DOCTOR, i still have to swim and today i had to swim 2 snakes, which is theres 8 lanes, swim down one climb out swim down the other, etc. through all 8 then do it again.
I almost started crying from the pain, i went to the doctor to get a note after school, wont freaking give me one.
ya okay im done rambling, school tomorrow, gay.
theres like what, 8 days left?
yay almost summer...
yay for concerts.
peace out girl scout.