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May 08, 2005 08:52

o wow. last night was THE MOST FUN I HAVE EVER HAD!!!!! it was my first concert, or show as my brother says that we must call it, ever adn i did like everything possible! you can't see anything accept the back of peoples heads unless you're in the very font or on top of something...soooooooooo me and maria and shelby and i think warren and some other guy that i don't kno got on top of the vending machines for like half an hour but then the security gaurd made us get down :( o well if he hadn't made us get down i never would have had as much fun! yay for me. anyways o ya and somebody was stupid and started smokin weed and it smelled like crap in there...((so did i but we're not going to tell anyone that now are we)) ok ya and all the bands were good but when underoath came on everyone went crazy! me and maria went into the crowd and got in the very front and she crowd surfed a little ways and we got humped by all the people around us because we were so close to gether. you kno i'm not quite sure how we even got up there...o well. anuways things started getting a little out of hand so then we got out of there and went back in front of the mosh pit and i crowd surfed all the way to the stage and got on it!! yussss! and i had to walk all the way around the crowd to get back to everybody. and that was awesome!!!!! then i was with meg maria lawson some other kid and like everyone else i right on top of the mosh pit o i was so much friggin fun!!!!!!!!!!! ya it was great fun. i don't hink i could be any more happy than i am now.

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