Aug 01, 2005 20:00
Alrighty, I was sent home from my dad on the 22nd (his birthday v.v) for some stupid reasons I don't feel like talking about right now, if you must know IM me, and I'm actually really glad to be home.
If that sounds awful, I don't care, my dad's a butthead.
Anyway, my birthday was the 26th and I got awesome presents! My favorites: Tibby's yummy emo uni-boiz, Fruits Basket, and tickets to see Beauty and Beast! Eep! I'm so excited! I also got two tee shirts, one says "Trust me I'm an actress." the other says "Pirates arrrr cool!"
Tee hee!
So, yeah, my dad took the computer cord he bought ME for MY laptop, but sent it along with some other things that wouldn't fit in my suitcase (mainly my Momiji shoes) and my contacts, and paycheck (260 bucks baby!) Nyeh, not even a birthday card. Not even after getting that stupid iPod for his birthday, he can't even send me a simple card!
Nyeh, but I'm not going to let it get to me. No sir-ree!
Oooh! Also, I got a check from my Nana, I don't know how much yet though >.< I'm gonna pay back Liz what I owe her for the iPod, buy a sewing machine (fwee!) and then save the rest for a BJD or for anime con tickets, or something.