Heyyy Heyyy
Sorry it has taken me so long to update. I have been busy and haven't really felt like updating. haha but a couple of weeks ago was spring break, and i got sick and was stuck here, but kayli and her mom and my family went to castaway bay. that was fun. then back to oh-so-fun school. :] now we only have 29 more days of school left. and there are 16 days until prom, oh yeah, kent asked me to prom. and we started dating last night. haha around 1 am. Anways i love my girlfriends a whole bunch. and everything is cool here, so i thought id post some pictures. ♥
.Spring Break.
In the Pool at Castaway Bay...
Ha Ha Ha Look at Kayli's cousin that she's holding. ah brookie.
The Easter Bunny came and visited me!
.I ♥ my friends.
Abra my twinny and Paul, who are getting an apartment on MONDAY IN COVENTRY. omg.
Chris and bara at Sr. High.
Baby Ezmee and i. i love her to death.
OMG ABRA AND I AT MOTION CITY BABYYY. everything is alrighttt.
THe Lizz-ster. hahaha. i love her.
Kayli Suzanne and &. My Saving Grace.
haha we like to have fun. what can i say.
Jenny drinking out of a hose. That's her favorite thing to do. For Real.
And Kyle eats whole packages of Hot Coco Mix.
HAHA totally kidding, We were on a scavanger hunt :]
.My Prom Dress.
The Dress.
.Kenttt ♥.
aw. hes so adorable.
haha i just think its cute.
Kent & Lauren. ♥
Well I hope you liked my quick picture update. xoxo