Apr 25, 2006 17:46
I hate school. I love the people, hate the work. Actually, I love someee of the people. There are a few who are just downright mean and hypocritical. Oh high school drama, I live for it really. All I can say is if wishes came true I would be graduating this year with the majority of my friends. Next year is going to blow. I miss the summer, and just laying in his bed all afternoon cuddling and watching tv. It will not come soon enough. I am grounded from the computer because of my grades. I still made a 3.0 for the quarter..just a D in one class, a lame class at that. I think I can still go out though, not that I go too many places. As long as I can continue to go to the soccer games and watch Zach and them win, I am satisfied. They are doing SO well this year, I'm proud of them. They are 1st in the region and 4th in the state as of right now I believe. I have been babysitting a lot lately, which is good. I need the money desperately and it provides me access to the internet, haha. Ring dance is in 11 days! I am really excited. I actually can't wait to be honest. yayaya. I got a 1790 on the SATs, an 1100 for the old one. I thought I did horribly so it was reassuring that I didn't do too bad at all. My brother got an 1180 when he took his last year so of course instead of my dad congratulating me, he pointed out that my brother is smarter than I am. COOOOOL. My dad is making me take ANOTHER driving course, even though I passed Driver's ed in 10th grade and BTW in the fall. I am turning 18 in a half a year and I am no closer to driving than I was when I got my permit 2 years ago. I almost got Tyler's Audi but it had too many miles on it already so I guess I will just take my brother's car which is a 2002 Galant since he wants a truck. So as soon as he gets a truck his car is mine. Whether I can drive it or not depends on if I have my license and I don't get any bad grades this quarter. I hope I can because then I can drive to boyfren's house every morning before he wakes up and crawl into bed with him and sleep more. Then we can cuddle and go out for lunch and be cuuuute. I really need a job to pay for insurance and gas, although it wont be hard to find one. This is a simple entry. I think that's a good thing. My mind needs a break, I think too much sometimes. Not everything has to be as complex as subconsciously make it out to be.