LJ Idol 10: Introduction

Nov 08, 2016 14:31

Hi, you're really here! I honestly didn't think you'd show up. I have this tendency to forget that people I know, like you, exist unless they're right in front of me. I also tend to go into my hidey hole a lot, so if somebody doesn't yank me out I'm liable to stay there. But wow...you're here! How are you?

Please excuse the clutter. I'd be a better housekeeper if I didn't work as much as I do. I hope you don't mind husky fur. No matter how much I vacuum, it just keeps replicating. Double coated snow dogs, y'know? Now you know why I don't wear a lot of black.

You do like dogs, I hope? Yep, here come The Boyz. Max is the older one, the larger one. He'll study you while Oakley will give you a hug and demand belly rubs. They've got the run of the house. It's their home too.

Yeah, those are my parents. That movie-star type photo of my mother was taken back in the early 50s, I think. She always hated that photo. I think she's gorgeous. That's my dad before he got sick. That's how I remember him. They bought this house when I was seven, maybe eight?

I hope you're hungry. I've been wanting to make this particular dish. I could make it for myself, or for myself and my husband, but he works weird hours and sometimes he just isn't hungry or he's travelling so it's usually just me. I'm okay with eating alone. I did it a lot as a kid. That's how I started reading cookbooks like novels. I went to culinary school because an ex was upset that I never cooked for him the way he cooked for me. I was petrified he wouldn't like anything or I'd make him sick, but he didn't believe me. After we broke up, I figured, if I officially learned to cook, maybe I could be part of things instead of observing. Or, as he'd say, give instead of take. Now I bake for a living. Baking's a solitary pursuit. The irony, right?

Most of my friends are in my laptop. Sometimes they materialize, like you. I start work in the middle of the night and leave when the world is on is on its lunch hour. I don't really know anybody as a result, so I did what everyone did in the day - log onto the internet and eventually found a tribe. My husband was part of that particular tribe. It has long since disbanded but we're both in touch with a few people. My tribe now - our tribe, I should say - has scattered. We may not be as close as we once were, but the fact that we still show up when summoned, I think, says more than a lot of other tribes.

It's community, you know? If you have community you need to feed it, literally and figuratively.

Anyway, I'm glad you're here. Let's have a cup of tea, chat some, and maybe we could make that dish together?

lj idol 10 intro

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