(no subject)

Oct 30, 2004 20:06

Last night we got our hair done..pretty fun
Today was championships, we did soo good we were perfect nothign went wrong at all but we didnt place! it sucks soo bad, atleast we have the playoffs

b TeAm GiRlS... u GiRlS r So AwEsOmE!! iLuAsM
aShLeY h
ShAuNa M
kElSeY r
AmAnDa M
jEnNa M
CoUrTnEy M
rAcHeL p
ElLe M
cOuRtNeY d
AmAnDa G
jEnNa R
aLeX m
NiCoLe Z
rUkKaYa J
aLeX j
LaUrEn M
kAyLa P
BrAeLyN g
BrItTaNy H
bRiTtAnY v
NiCoLeTtE s
JoRdAn d
ReBeCcA f
GaBbY g
ShAqUeLiA c
HeAtHeR c
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