Feb 16, 2005 12:05
Well, my Valentine's Day was truely amazing. Never in a million years could I have expected what Matt had planned. If you seen his journal, then you already know, but in case you didnt see it.. That night Matt took me to the park, he had made a trail of pink and white rose petals before hand. So we walked through the park and the trail he had made led to a bench and on the bench was roses and a necklace. So I had thanked him for that, but then he told me there was still something else. So as if I wasn't surprised enough by that.. what he did next just completely caught me by surprise. He proposed to me that night, and I am sure I don't even have to tell you my answer, because if there is anyone that really thinks I would have turned him down, well then you are crazy. I mean yeah, it's kind of shocking because we haven't really been together all that long.. but they say when you find the person you are meant to be with, that you just know.. and I know that he is the one I want to spen the rest of my life with. Matt has been there for me through so much.. before we even really knew eachother, he was there for me when I was going through a tough time. And after Chris and I ended.. I thought I would never be able to find anyone else who could make me this happy. But Matt proved me wrong, in fact, he has made me happier than I ever have been before. So I still haven't stopped smiling from that night, and I don't plan on it either.
But anyway, it's really nice outside today so I think I might take Candace and Bradin for a walk or something. Since we've been home from the hospital the only time I've been out of the house is the other night. So some fresh air would be nice, so yeah I think that's what I am gonna do.
Oh and one more thing.. Clay, you had it all wrong before... I am right, YOU are wrong! I win and YOU lose! The end!