Jan 13, 2005 17:37
wow! i haven't updated in possibly the longest time! lol well this whole week has been pretty stressful. i to read a bunch of chapters and do quetsions that were supposed to be due wednesday..but seh changed it. which made me mad because i spent a long time on that when i could have been writing my paper. so now Lord of the Flies is due next week. and my paper..oh wow. i totally did the opposite of what i had planned. i wanted to space out teh work, and i eneded up doing it mostly in 2 days. and its due tomorrow so ihave to make finalizations on it! so! yes..very stressful week for english!...well last night i went to the wrestling meet. and it was SO close! i was dissapointed that they lost 32-33. and i think i kinda understand it a little better? like how the points work. lol idk its still way too confusing for me. sooooo then i came home and watched alias!!!! AND IT TOTALLY ROCKED! i was at teh edge of my seat teh whole time. i love that about this show!! :) soo todayy was alright. school was good, french we had a sub so jacqui and i still walked around for like 20 minutes. Enhancement me and age revised our papers, and then englihs...we just did some grammar packet that tells us if we have to take the test or not tomorroow! soo then crafts adn we just did more oragami! the best class ever haha..uhh and we're staring this new family tree project that is like completely open ended. and im not realy sure what i want to do yet, but its our final! soo yeah we have all the rest of classes to wrok on that. soo then after school my mom and i went out to AE, and i bought myself a green vest, white & yellow longsleeve shirt, a belt, and a 9.95 sweater! it was crazy! soo i spent a good amount of my christmas money. but i still have more left which is good to save for later. soo we went to panera bread for dinner and that was good.. now im home and going to work on my paper so ive gotta go!! comment if you want <3