Escape The Fate concert, 25/07/08

Aug 03, 2008 16:03

Last night was seriously the best concert I have ever attended. Yes, even better than MCR *slaps self* as shocking as it sounds to hear ME say that, it's true. Escape The Fate are fucking BRILLIANT live.
The moshpit was fucking brutal, painful, crazy... INSANE. I have the bruises and aches to prove it. Not to mention a black eye/bruised cheek developing. Yes, I got punched and kicked in the face >.< ouch. But it was sooooo worth it !

I knew they were going to be really good, but I wasn't expecting them to be THAT good.
I went with my best friend, Sarah, and we got there about 2 30PM, the concert started at around 7. Because it was raining, the ground was wet, so we didn't sit down. add the time spent standing for the entire concert.. around 9 hours spent standing. NINE FUCKING HOURS. I was at the point of wanting to kill someone... or perhaps break into a hospital and steal some morphine, either way.

At around, 5ish maybe, I dunno, around then, one guy in the line started bumping into the girls behind us, causing them to fall into us. He was holding an empty 2 litre sprite bottle... lets just say... sprite was NOT in that bottle. He was completely and utterly drunk, like barely conscious. He ended up passing out against the wall, we were starting to wonder if he was still alive. Eventually an ambulance showed up and took him to hospital. Honestly, why? Why would you buy tickets to a concert, and he certainly looked like he was a fan, and then get so smashed you pass out, therefore missing the entire show? Idiot. Felt sorry for him, but it was his fault.

When the doors FINALLY opened, lets just say it was a huge relief, the line was beginning to be a moshpit in itself! We ended up in the second row/barrier right in front of where Max Green would be standing *dies* I ended up leaving Sarah to mind our spot whilst I went to buy merch... *squeals* I'm a sucker for new merch, honestly. No wonder I end up broke half the time. Anywho... Im rambling once more. A Silent Fiction from the central coast played first.... A-fucking-mazing. They were awesome as! The second support, A Mission in Motion (I think that was their name) were also really good :))

By this stage, the mosh was already brutal, we were getting knocked around pretty fucking badly and we got pushed back into like, the forth fucking row.... lets just say, we were pissed. I happened to look to my right and what do I see? A bloody WHEELCHAIR.. yes, a wheelchair in a moshpit... idiots. That my friends, was PAINFUL. The crowd kepts pushing and swaying (as they do in moshpits) and lucky me, I got pushed into the chair, the metal kept digging into the side of my kneecap... joy. The bruise is HUGE. lol.

Escape The Fate eventually came out and I fucking lost it. Max effing Green, right in front of us... a walking orgasm, sex on legs, I thought I was going to spontaneously combust from his mere presence... But I didn't, well only just.

The highlight of the night would definitely be when Max and Craig ran up the stairs and to the balcony (which might I add was very high) and jumped into the crowd ^.^ Woohoo! We caught Max. Haha. And Craig had a broken foot, but still did it, as Max said, and I quote: "You've got a broken foot and you don't even fuckin' care, I love you bro" YAY. lol.

To sum up the night, and to stop rambling, all I can say is that night was simply incredible. They are planning on hopefully returning at the end of the year, which I am naturally very excited about. Honestly, anyone who is thinking about seeing them but isn't sure... It's worth every single cent. You won't regret it. They don't just play songs and leave, they actually talk to the crowd and interact, something which alot of bands who get bigger fail to do.

- Emmarrr

ps: I was meant to post this last week, but I kinda forgot >.<

I took alot more, but heres a couple.

^ Sarah and I before the concert.

^ Max :)

^ Monte & Craig.
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