Jun 15, 2006 10:06
heres a song ppl!!!
>>ice cream and cakey cake, ice cream and cakey cake, ice cream and cakey cake, ice cream and cakey cake,,,((FAStER tEMPO)) ice cream and cake do the ice cream and cake, ice cream and cake do the ice cream and cake, ice cream and cake do the ice cream and cake, ice cream and cake do the ice cream and cake, ((SLOWER tEMPO))...NOW slip slip slip SliDE, slip slip slip and SliDE, slip slip slip SliDE, StOP!
TAG TEAM!!! ride witcha boy now slip n slide, ride witcha boy now slip n slide, ride witcha boy now slip n slide PAUSE StEP UP ...ice cream and cake! ((NOW REPEAt tHE SONG))<<
haha i love that song its awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!