Oct 28, 2004 13:55

ok .. i d0nt really care t0 update b0ut anythin else besides f0r this!!! me nd ricky g0t int0 0ur first biggg fight!! w0w!! ok imma tell ya the wh0lee st0ry..in the m0rnin i had this releeee bad idea b0ut NOT wearn a skirt but i was lyk oh well nd i w0re a skirt..well me nd ricky g0t 3rd h0ur 2getha nd he is alwayz sleepn cuz itz so0 b0rin!! well i wasnt @ skewl a c0uple 0f weekz ag0, when my class to0k s0me star test..so0 i g0t kalld 0utta class t0 g0 and take the test..i g0t d0ne wif it nd was walkn thr0ugh 1st lunch..saw mark nd he wantd t0 c ricky so0 he walkd wif me t0 c ricky..we saw tiffy 0n the way so0 we all walkd t0gether..we had juz entered s0uth campus nd i was wearn a skirt!! nd Brian Keller came uhp behind me nd put his yaho0 can uhp the back 0f my skirt, and kinda pulld it uhp!! so0 my butt sh0wd, kiinda .. i was lyk w0ahh!! and tiffy nd mark b0th lo0kd @ me nd i said ((t0 brian)) d0nt t0uch me eva again!! nd he ran away t0 class..mark said i am g0nna tell ricky, even th0 i said i was g0nna tell him..i g0t int0 3rd h0ur nd ricky was styll sleepn..i was g0nna tell him right when i g0t in classs but he was sleepn styll..nd we d0nt rele sit cl0se where i can whisper it t0 him..so0 i waited..3rd h0ur ended nd i was g0nan tell him then..but i saw Brian so0 i said nah i aint g0nna tell him n0w..*((cuz i mean, if i wulda t0ld ricky right then and there, he wulda wanted t0 fite brian..so0 i th0ught what i did was a smart ch0ice by n0t telln him yet!!..))* so0 i waitd..everything was fine between us durin the BEGINNING of lunch..me sierra nd dendekke were buying our lunch .. brian was not tawkn to us but he was lyk round us..then all of a sudden, i hear ricky screamnin @ brian..all in his face nd shyt!! am lyk w0ah he f0und 0ut..nd brian denyed it nd said he didnt kn0 we went 0ut..nd ricky kept 0n sayin d0nt fukn t0uch her nd juz shyt lyk that..he was real maddd!!! well then ricky lo0kd @ me fr0m the lunch line nd gave me a disp0inted lo0k!! :/  so0 then i went 0utside t0 eat my lunch, nd ricky came 0ut nd didnt sit by any0ne!! he went t0 sit 0n the 0ther side 0f the 0utside nd didnt tawk t0 us..he was pissed!! so0 then i find 0ut that tiffy was the 0ne wh0 t0ld him..i mean, i d0nt care if she tells him but i wulda lyk t0 have been the first 0ne wh0 t0ld him ya kn0...since hes my b0ifreind n0t hers!! but w.e!! so0 i went 0va t0 him t0 tawk t0 him..he wuldnt resp0nd t0 anythin i said, t0tally ign0red me, nd juz wasnt bein his self..then he said t0 me u werent g0nna tell me were u nd i said i was g0nna tell u i was juz waiint f0r the ryte tyme..nd i guezz that g0t him mad nd he said "get away fr0m me" nd i lo0kd @ him nd he g0t up and walkd away!! am lyk wtfff!! so0 he walkd away nd his freinds went afta him..!! i didnt see him the wh0le lunch tyme afta that..i was so0 pissed!! i seri0usly was g0nna cry!! cuz i felt so0 bad f0r n0t telln him..nd t0 see him get that mad, made me feel real bad!!! even th0 it isnt my fault!! i didnt want brian t0 t0uch me ..  so0!! but i didnt cry!! i held it in!! i th0ught t0 my self, itz g0nna b 0va!! n0 m0re me nd ricky!! i went int0 4th h0ur nd s0me b0i said h0w ricky was tryn t0 fite brian again in n0rth mall 0va me!! am lyk 0mg!! so0 i textd ricky nd he actually resp0nded t0 me!! nd we tawkd nd i app0lized t0 him lyk 26291061561 tymes!! he didnt rele seem t0 care ab0ut what i had t0 say but i knew he did care!! even th0 he didnt sh0w it!! so0 yea!! afta skewl me nd sierra were walkn t0 my h0uz so0 that i culd stay @ da skewl nd tawk t0 him!! him nd mark were walkn t0 rickyz h0uz so0 we all walkd t0gether!! i swear, we didnt tawk the wh0leeee tyme h0me!! l0l nd then he said bye nd gave me a kiss!! ntn h0w it usually is th0!! :(  so0 me nd sierra went t0 my h0uz..g0t ready f0r 0ur j0b meeting nd went uhp t0 sals..we were in there nd then r0und 4* ricky textd me nd i was so0 sh0ckd!!! i didnt think he was g0nna but he did!! am lyk yess!! he d0esnt hate me!! l0l :)  so0 we were juz textn each0tha bak & f0rth..i went t0 w0rk last nyte!! then i came h0me nd ricky came 0va!! he was rele sleepy!! hehe so0 he left r0und 10*15..we kinda watchd the lunar eclipse thangy!! it was GAY!! l0l we were fine!! he said go0dnyte baby and everythin!! so0 were str8 n0w!! hehe =D  t0day @ skewl!!! OMG!! it was h0rrible!! i had the w0rst cramps nd my peri0d was so0 heavy!! it suckd big tymme!! i tried calln my m0m all dayy!! ricky even said he wuld walk my h0me cuz i was scared t0 juz LEAVE skewl nd n0t sign 0ut!! but i juz stayd in skewl!! my cramps hurt so0 bad!! i startd t0 cry in 2nd h0ur!! they were bad!! lunch tyme came ar0und nd i calld my m0m, i culdnt handle em anym0re!! she came nd g0t me!! nd n0w am @ h0me!! waitin f0r skewl t0 get 0ut cuz ricky is g0nan c0me 0va!! =D !! hehe   ..  f0r all y0u pe0ple wh0 d0nt kn0 where, wh0, 0r are t0tally l0st in my entry, 0h well l0l!! s0me pe0ple kn0 what i am tawkn b0ut nd others d0nt!! i juz had t0 write d0wn my feelings t0wards this all n0w!! t0 s0me0ne nd f0r s0me0ne t0 read!! so0 i did!!  s0rry if s0me 0f u g0t b0red with this but 0h well!! <33 aM oUt!! xOz!!
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