(no subject)

Jan 16, 2009 20:42

Hope everyone's having a great 2009 so far! Sorry I haven't updated or left many comments in the past few weeks...I'm still alive, and I promise I'm still reading all your entries. I have final exams next week (and then I get new classes for the second semester) and my school play the week after, so between the long rehearsals and studying I haven't had very much time on my hands. But as of right now, it's exactly fifty days until I go to NY to see Lauren!

[07] Ashley Greene
[18] Emma Watson
[12] Kristen Stewart
[08] Lauren Graham

headers/userinfo banners
[03] Kristen Stewart
[01] Lauren Graham


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(I know, weird size...sorry!)



.celeb: ashley greene, .celeb: kristen stewart, .celeb: emma watson, .celeb: lauren graham

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