Nov 25, 2005 12:09
01> Do you like to sneeze? NOT REALLY, iTS QUiTE EMBARSSiNG
.02> Do you consider yourself "popular"? UMM..NOT REALLY? iDK!
.03> What is your special talent? i AM A AWESOME SHOPPER. AND A REALLY FAST READER
.04> If you could kick one person out of the world, who would it be? HiLARY DUFF, iN THE FACE
.05> Are you unhappy with your life right now? NO..i AM ACTUALLY HAPPY =)
.06> Have you ever taken a crap in a public restroom? EWW. NO
.07> Have you ever performed in any type of talent show? =) HECK YESSS
.08> Have you ever been arrested or gone to Juvi? NOPE
.10> What's your favorite color out of magenta, aqua, and violet? MAGENTA i GUESS
.11> Do you think you're "dumb"? SOMETiMES
.12> Do you know any geniuses? YES YES, AND i LOVE THEM
.13> Have you ever been dared to lick a toilet seat? NOPE, A VACCUM THOUGH
.14> Have you ever stayed up all night? YESS i HAVE
.15> Are you interested in the European culture? NOT REALLY....
.16> Do you like your English teacher? UGH NOPE NOPE NOPE
.17> Have you ever had a food fight? HAHA YEAH! TUESDAY!
.18> Are you currently dating someone? NAH
.19> Have you ever been in love? NO WAY, iM TOO YOUNG FOR THAT SHiT!!
.20> Are you bisexual or gay/lesbian? NOPPE
.21> Are you homophobic? {meaning, scared of bisexuals and/or gay/lesbians} NO, i <33 GAY GUYS
.22> What is the lamest CD you own? HM...PROBLEY BRiTTANY SPEARS OR BACKSTREET BOYS
.23> Have you ever met a famous person? Who? BLAKE EYED PEAS
.24> Who is your idol? PARiS HiLTON!
.25> Have you ever eaten mud? NOT THAT i KNOW OF?
.26> Have you ever gone up and hugged a random person? WELL THEY KiNDA HUGGED ME....HAHA FRANCES!
.27> Are you a "band geek"? OH YEAH....NO LOL!
.28> Have you ever dated your friends x-boyfriend/girlfriend? YEAH, BUT iT WAS ALL GOOD.
.29> Have you dirty danced with anyone? YEAH
.30> Have you seen the movie 'Mean Girls'? WHO WASNT
.31> Are you like the character Regina George from 'Mean Girls'? NO
.32> Are you a sarcastic person? SOMETiMES, iF i WANNA BE
.33> Would you say that you're attractive? iDK
.34> Do you think you're ugly? NO
.35> Are you comfortable in your own skin? YEAH!
.36> Is there anywhere you have to be right now? NOT THAT i KNOW OF..
.37> Aren't you supposed to be doing homework? DONT HAVE ANY =)
.38> Have you eaten any pizza in the last 4 hours? DONT LiKE PiZZA
.39> What is your favorite cartoon? RUGRATS
.40> What's your lucky number? 6
.41> Do you like to read? HEHE YESS iMA NERD OK?
.42> How many siblings do you have? UNO, WELL...2 KiNDA
.43> Do you live in a castle? i WiSH
.44> Do you believe in Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, the Tooth Fairy, and leprachauns? HM SOMETiMES
.45> Do you believe in magic? NOT REALLY
.46> Am I asking weird questions? UH...SURE
.47> Have you ever eaten a sub sandwich with olives, cucumbers, mustard, and lettuce? EWW
.48> What do you like better: Quizno's or Sub Way? QUiZNO'S
.49> What is your current mood? HM...EXCiTED, DONiELLES COMiNG OVER AND SO iS THE BABY!!
.50> Do you like random surveys? ACTUALLY i DO VERY MUCH