summerrr is great :)

Jun 21, 2006 18:00

so this weekend..ive gotten a total of like 13 hours of sleep..if that.
everyday i woke up at def exhausted.

saturday boones was wikkid fun..a lil drama there..but it was still wikkid fun..after that i got to sleep over was fun..i realized i spent basically the whole weekend with surprised i didnt like go crazy too or something lol..but no i had alot of fun.

soo i went to my dads sunday for fathers day:) was a really good visit..he seems alot more relaxed now that hes switch jobs and it was nice to see

monday wass pretty nice..went to school..then work..then kylies to chek out her hot new neighbors ooo man gonna be at kylies alottt this summer ;)..n then yesterday..i worked on my project alll dayy after i got outta work early(again)..i stayed up til 115 workin on it..n still didnt finish..crazy huh?

soo today i went to kylies moms friend's gorgeous pool..first timne i tried usuing tanning oil (n the last)..i got burnt to a crisp..i look like a lobster..its aweful n painfull as all hurts to move after stayin rather still for some for the rest of my night ill be finishin up this projetc ugh..but school tomorrow for just goin to turn my project in n then im goin home
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