(no subject)

Oct 29, 2005 11:36

*What is your full name::Courtenie Nichole Rose
*Spell your first name backwards:: einetruoc
*Date of birth:: August 14, 1990

*Male or female:: Female
*Astrological sign:: ?

*Nicknames:: court, squirrel

*Occupation:: School
*Height:: 5'5"
*Hair color:: dirty blonde*
*Eye color:: Green/blue*
*Where were you born:: St.Mary's Hospital, Norton Va.
*Where do you reside now:: clintwood, Va.
*Age:: 15
*Screen names:: -..*Courtenie*..-
*What does your screen name stand for:: my name*
*What is your livejournal name::xo_courtenie_ox
*What does your livejournal name stand for:: courtenie these xo_, just to make it look cuter.:p*
*Pets:: 1 cat, and one dog, and four fish*
*Number of candles you blew out on your last birthday cake:: 15
*Piercings:: ears*
*Tattoo's:: None
*Shoe size:: 9-11
*Righty or lefty: Both*but i write wiht my left and i can do everything else wiht my right
*Hearing:: Computer*
*Feeling:: Sorta worried, but excited*
*Eating/drinking:: Nuttin*

*When was the last time you..cried: everynight to my sleep*
*played a sport: dont play*
*laughed: A few minutes ago*
*hugged someone: friday all my friends.=)
*kissed someone: friday .cant tell*:p
*felt depressed:almost everyday ;(*
*felt overworked: sometimes*
*felt sick: last night..stomach ach*
*lied: cant tell*

*What was the last..*
*words you said:i love you*
*thing you ate: breakfast*
*thing you drank: juice*
*place you went to: next door

*movie you saw: I have no idea*
*movie you rented: amittiville(SPELL??)*

*Who was the last person you..*
*hugged: cant tell *but others  my friends on friday*
*cried over: rather not say*------

*kissed: cant remember..or just cant tell//my friends deseray on CHEEK-goodbye*
*slowdanced with?: Donald.lol homecoming dance..my girl friends*
*shared a secret with: deseray*
*had a sleepover with: deseray..????/cant tell*basement*
*went to a movie with: cody & deseray*
*were angry with: tracey hamilton*
*couldn't take your eyes off of: -*-*-*cant tell* secret

*Have You Ever....*
* Mooned anyone:: yes*
* on a diet::should be*
* Been to a foreign country:: no
* Broken a bone:: nope*
* Swallowed a tooth/cap/filling:: Nope
* Swear at a teacher:: Nope
* Talked to an lj member via emails or instant messages:: yes
* Got in a fight:: Not really*
* Dated a teacher:: no
* Laughed so hard you peed your pants:: nope*
* Thought about killing your enemy:: yes*
* Gone skinny dipping:: yup

* Met another lj member in the flesh:: Naw*
* Told a little white lie:: Yup*
* Told a secret you swore not to tell:: yup..couldnt help it it was important*
* Stolen anything:: Nope
* Been on TV:: Not really*
* Been in a mosh pit:: no
* Been to a concert::yup
* Dated one of your best friends:: Yes, wlll sorta i dont know..but everone pretty much knows who it is..and it was the biggest mistake i made in my life.=)
* Loved someone so much it makes you cry:: yes
* Broken the law:: Id say so lol*
* Been to a rodeo:: yes*
* Been on an airplane:: No*
* Cheated on a bf/gf:: yes*
* Gave someone a piggy back ride:: Yes*lordy expecially chester;(his bones hurt.lol
* Terrorized a babysitter:: No*
* Been so drunk you don't remember your name:: sorta

* Felt like you didn't belong:: Yep
* Felt like the 3rd wheel:: I guess lol*
* Smoked:: yup yup*
* done drugs:: yup*
* Been arrested:: Nope
* Written a love letter:: Yes
* Gone out of your way to be with the one you love:: tried my bestest*
* Written a love poem:: yup*
* Kissed in the rain:: nope..but would love too**
* Slow danced with someone you love:: Sorta,*:p
* Asked a friend for relationship advice:: Yes*
* Had a friend steal your bf/gf:: sorta*
* Won a trophy:: Yes*
* Bowled a perfect game:: No*
* Failed/got held back:: nope*
* Got perfect attendance in grade school:: No*

*Love Life*
* Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?: nope*
* If so, who are they?: ******
* Do you love them?: i dont love them but i love them for who they are*-.^_^
* How long have you been dating?: 0.=)
* Do you have a crush?: yup yup /cant get him out of my head;( .=)
* Would you rather be single or taken right now?: both*
* How many people have you dated this past year?: 2 almost 3*
* How many people have you kissed in your life? sheww to many ot count*
* How many people have you said "I love you too" and meant it?: One*
* Have you ever had a hard time getting over someone?: yesYES!*
* Have you ever been cheated on?: yes*

* BestFriends: Theres too many to name :)
* Who is Tha Coolest: deseray
* Who Is Tha Sweetest: they aint one that is sweet they are all bad ass*
* Who is Tha Hottest: Deseray*
* Who Knows All Ya Secerts: deseray*
* Who has Hurt You b-4?: ******
* Who has Been There The Most : deseray &&lauren john r*
* Who Is Tha Most Understanding: Deseray,, Chester*
* Who Always Cheers Ya Up: deseray &&chet*
* Who Cares About Ya Tha Most: i guess deseray*
* Have you known the longest?: chet and deseray*
* Do you argue the most with?: des & chet &tracey..but they are not all real**
* Do you always get along with?: All of 'em*
* Is the most trustworthy?: shit i dont know..prob des*
* Makes you laugh the most?: chester*
* Has been there through all the hard times: deseray*
*Always has a man/woman?: desray shes always got a man*
* Is the most sensitive?: rashell*
* Biggest loser?: tracey*
* Most unique?: chester*
* Is the most encouraging?: des*
* Is the most blunt?: Iunno*
* Is the shyest?: none
* Is the most outgoing?:alyssa*
* Is the most rebellious?: Iunno*
* Is the horniest?: chet,allen, tracey, ....:P
*Is the most perfect?: nobody is perfect

* Is the laziest?: me &des..
* Is most likely to become famous?: Not sure*
* Is most likely to become rich?: Not sure*
* Is most likely to have a million kids?: chet*
* Is most likely never to have kids?: des..tracey!!!*
* Will get a boob job?: Dunno*des*lol
* Will get married first? des*
* Always wears a smile?: Well, all of 'em*
* Is the smartest?: rashell*
* Complains the most?: Probably me* lol&&rashell,,des..expecially tracey
* Complains the least?: Not sure*
* Is the biggest flirt?: I guess des&&tracey*
* Needs a good man/woman?:  Not sure*
* Has the weirdest taste in the opposite sex?: //////*
* Best form of entertainment?: chester*
* Are you most jealous of?: who that one person who has or will get the one thing or *person that i want lol*
* Is a bad influence?: chester trac des..lol..j/k*

* Boys *
* Who Do Ya Like:cant tell*
* Who Likes You:fuck if i know*
* Who Is Ya Boyfriend: nobody;(*
* How Many Boys Had: Huh?

* Has A Boy Ever Smacked You ON Tha Ass: Yes
* Have They Ever Ask You To Screw Them? yes*
* Have They Ask You To Give Them Anyting:Yes*
* Have You Ever Kissed A Guy: Yes*
* Have They Ever Told You That You Got A Nice Ass Or Body: Yes* ...But I do not*

with you//jessica simpson

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