the end of livejournal

Aug 15, 2004 23:32

hey everyone
Sooo this was like my little get away...
a new way to express how i feel and not care what others thought because the only people reading this and who had my screen name were friends...
my father...who thinks i dont know he reads an intruder and needs to get a life and mind his own business. I love sharing my feelings and fun times with my friends but dad doesnt need to know a lot of what i write on here. What goes on in his 17 yr old daughters life isnt much of his long as im safe and healthy. which i am.
So this is the end to my "public" live journal....its now going to be "friends only" so only you guys on my friends list can read it. I had fun replying to everyones posts and all but i dont know. it kinda bothers me that my dad is such a noisy person and doesnt have the guts to tell me where he gets his info im an IDIOT DAD! yes i know you read this...duh. do i care? umm lemme think....not enough to stop writing in it. just enough so you cant read it anymore....
tecnology is great...
good thing i can do more then you
so try reading it now
love always,
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