(no subject)

Jun 28, 2005 23:03

I had to wake up at 7am o god was that HARD!!!

Had to be at Lahser at 8:00 to meet for the bus...got to waterford Mott leik 15 minutes late but no big deal haha! cause coach didnt get to lahser till 8:45 haha! she is always late!

WE had stunt camp today..it wasnt as bad as i thoguh it would be i only had to base twice and front spot the whooole tiem basically..my group was really funny and I LOVE THEM!! (tierra, Stacy, Krisyn,and Liz) u guys cracked me up! that made the whole camp fun haha! Anam got hurt kinda..not bad...and Rachel was just being bitchy! haha..stacy cut her lip..thats it i think?!? o liz feel on her head once she was ok

Then after it was over at 4:30 we went to bennigans me my sis and grandpa and grandma..Got my salad..

Then meet Tierra and Jas and Jas's house...Walked to the pool didnt really swim but we made up these like songs haha were cool! lol..Then it started to thunder so we ran back to Jas's staye theer till 10:45 haha...yeah like 4 hours...Tiff was beign a meany head like always haha!! and jas was vicious w/ the phone haha...Raided Jas's moms closet omg she has like 100 purses and there ALLLLL cute!! i want one haha! We also ate like all the cake from Tiffs Grad party haha!! We talked for a while..Then tierra left and me and jas played nintendo 64 haha...wow then we went online..

Fun night!!

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