Mar 08, 2006 22:01
Oh sometimes I could just... BOO!
Okay, lookie here, there has been a definite drop in the amount of respect students are showing the creatures of this school. They have just as much right to be here as we do... if not even more of a right! They live here all year round! Have they ever done anything to anyone unprovoked? No, I didn't think so.
My main concern right now is the devasting mistreatment of the misunderstood Flobberworm.
1. They are not footballs and should not be used as one.
2. Do not feed them anything other than lettuce! They have no teeth nor the disgestive system to handle all the junk we keep finding. They also do not have any other limbs than their torso's and can therefore not clean themselves.
3. They have feelings too! It took me a good 30 minutes to console Ukren, after the vicious attack on him this afternoon.
4. Just leave them alone! They are peace loving creatures who just want to be let be. If you have no business with them -through either Professor Kettleburn or Ogg- than don't even go near them!
Really come on now, this is getting quite sad, they are defensless and people keep picking on them. This HAS to stop! PLEASE!