Jan 19, 2006 12:04
So here i am, updating more in the past 3 days then the past 5 months altogether lol.
yeah i'm at school. Normally i wont have breaks like this. id just be getting outta class now, go have some lunch and then go back to class for 1:25. which isnt to to bad. does kinda suck tho. but its only 2 days a week. the other 3 days i only have one class. so im not to worried about it.
I'm in such a good mood right now, about a few things. =). <3
2 months and 28 days babbbbyyyy. Damn that makes me happy.
So my sister and i are gunna go ahead with our plan. She thought i was gunna chicken out and she thought she was being to selfish cuz i didnt wanna do it, but i explained to her that as long as they dont let me chicken out ima be just fine. Yeah it'll hurt, probably a lot considering the placment, but i'll get over it and in the end ill be really happy i did it and it'll be a good memory to have.
So in about a year and a half from now i dont exactly know where my life will be, but im hoping that the plan im starting to put together in my head will see itself through. that just means a got a few things i gotta get done before then. which means im really just gunna have to start getting a better focus on my life and what i want / need to get done.
Introduced my sister to the wonderful world of Moulin Rouge yesterday, she didnt get to finish watching it tho, today when she gets home we will. =).
Now that i think about it, i think it's gunna be pretty hard to leave my sister in that house all alone. i know sometimes i get so ... ahhhh, and crazy... that i just like to chill with her once in a while. i guess thats cuz only us 2 know what its like to live there and stuff like that. I think once i move out or whatnot, ill still wanna chill with her, she can come chill with me too whenever she needs time away. that would be nice, hopefully it'll make us closer rather than farther.
Got invited to the movies friday. =\. i dunno, we'll see how that goes i guess. still Really confused as to how that boys mind works. its freakin complicated.
Going over to chris's house this weekend sometime to hang out with him and matt. =). =). =)... im excited!!! get to see all the 300+ pictures they took. =). Oh and watch a wonderful movie. <3
Jay keeps telling me to go to the doctors, i've tried explaining to him what its like to love Here in the winter, i just dont think he understands lol. people are just constantly sick, cant breath, runny nose. we all know how it is.
Damn it's only noon time. During break i probably would have just eaten breakfast or something. Yeah it was hard getting up as early as i had to, but its weird. i never Wanna get outta bed in the morning, but then once i do, and im on my way out the door, it actually feels kinda nice. yeah.
My hands are really dry today, and its really bothering me.
I hate public speaking. i dunno where that came from. Had a conversation about it with someone last night. =).
I miss some people. Just a few that i somehow lost contact with over the past year or so. But everything happens for a reason right?
So one more class, and i think ima go grab some lunch before then. so ima cut this off here. this boring entry written to kill some spare time. <3