Oct 22, 2006 12:36
So right about now would be the time where I'd rant about millie taking over my life and then tell you that its all worth it cuz the show's gonna be amazing so you'd all better be there.....but im pretty sure all of you are too far away to come :-(
I guess I can still rant tho lol I really am having a great time...the cast is unbelievable I love them sooo much. I have a little crush that is slowly but surely getting not so little lol just figured i should keep you all updated. Basically we just finished casting the show last week (AHHHH) and thank goodness for kim who is AMAZING and has agreed to learn chinese in a week lol I have good friends <3 Our set is not yet complete but I basically spent ALL day friday working on it. Saturday was costume day...so we had to wake up at 9 oclock in the fucking morning (anyone that knows me knows i was not too happy about this) so we could drive out to Schenedtedy (like 45 minutes away). On the way there we got really lost so the ride took 2 hours (but it was a lot of fun cuz i was with kim and christina and two junior girls becca and tonya who are playing millie and muzzy). The costume place was AWESOME tho. They had like halloween costumes galore and then they took us into the back "vault" and they had costumes from EVERY period...there weree so many and they were all gorgeoussss it was amazing. We've all decided we want to have birthday parties there and just dresss up for hours lol. So I got 2 costumes...i get to be a flapper at one point so i have a little pink dress thats like ALL fringe :-) its kinda amazing and will probly keep me occupied for a long long time lol.
Then we got back and i had like 50 things to do and then we had rehearsal all last night and it was long and kinda exhausting but the shows kinda starting to come together.
Im pretty excited this week's just gonna be kinda insane <3 love and miss you all a whole lot <3