i got tagged by kat b

Dec 26, 2005 19:27

A- Always doing what?
crazy but fun things!

january 18

C- Cash?
100 dollars

D- Dads name?

E- Easiest person to make you laugh?
umm i dno i guess everyone b/c i think im always laughing

F- Food you eat most?
hmmm...gum if thats a food

G- Any encounter with ghosts?
well at hall-kent they have a haunted bathroom but i dno...i have seen an angel b4 if that counts?

H- Hungry?
nope not at all

I- Interesting fact people don't know about you?
one time i didnt take a shower for 3 days...haha grooosss!

J- Jumped in a pool with all your clothes on?
no duhhh!

K- Kissing with eyes open or closed?

L- Last time you did something "bad"
like 5 minutes ago i yelled at my mommy..woops

M- Most memorable moment you can think of in a minute?
seaside with my birdy!

N- Nicknames
bb, bren, b-renna, big B, small foot--haha chalie, bridget, lauren, krenya, HAHA! hmm bunches

O- Whats your most valued possession?
i guess my friends and family...because i dno what i would do without em!

P- Person you last talked to on the phone?
taylor nichole cain

Q- Quote that you feel represents you right now?
you always grow old but with imaturity you can be a kid for ever...

R- What are you allergic to?
i dont think anything...but my stomach hurts when i eat cheese--i love cheese tho haha!

S- Song you last sang out loud?
i dno i sing alot but i think it was seasons of love--i love that song..

T- Time you woke up?

U- U like to sing soft or loud?

V- Vegetable you hate most?
celery and carrots--thats y i have such bad eyes

W- What are you most afraid of?
i think snakes and gas stations((haha shea)) and kiddnappers!--o and knifes and fires

X- X- rated love life?
i dont no what im being asked...

Y- Yellowcard or Green Day?
dno dont really listen to them much

Z- Zodiac Sign?
capricorn i think

i tag:
and ashley
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