Feb 27, 2005 03:26
wow ... tonight was very very very wild ... me and my *WoUnDeRFul* mind was like let me get on the computer lol .. and so i did .. me and tara have just came back from being at a movie wiht james lauren austin nathen ... cristof ..taylor and ben .. it was really fun we saw *hitch* it was great lol ..so yeah tara spends the night with me again and she was on the phone with james and some random dude i/m's me and was like .. who are u and i was like lesley .. who are you and he was like kyle lol i was like ok ... he was like what school do u go to and i was like kingwood and he wsa like ok thats kool .. i was like sure lol what school do you go to ? and he said tompson and i was like kool .... what grade u in and he was like 10 and i was like lol ... kool so then he was like so do you wana hang out and i was like sure lol i thought he ment like some time soon or .. ya know but no he was liek ok let me go and get my shoes and i was like ok why ?? .. and then the next thing i know he was like ok what color is your house lol and i was like .. oh no .. my mom is so gonna hear him this is gonna suck lol but no .. we just sat out in the drive way and talked to him for like ever then he was like ok well i got to go pic up my friend *keel* and we were like ok and he was like do yall wana come and i said SURE Lol ok coarse lol and so he had a mustang and i called shotgun and so that made tara have to sit in the back lol that was funny and yeah he drove like a crazy person lol .. it was so scary lol .. but anyways we go and pic up *keel* and hang out at his house .. well he was a lil crazy too b/c he just got out or juvie b/c he had cocain lol .. yeah very very crazy ...then kyle noticed that he was out of gas and so yeah he really didnt feel like buyin it so he went and took someones water hose lol .. and then stuck it in another car so they cound get some gas !!! it was crazy !~ i just wanted to die ! but yeah so then they were like ok well this isnt enough lol ... so we went back to keels house and got some money then went to everygas station in alabaster and none were open because it was 1:30 in tha morning lol .. well we finally go to race trac and its open lol and kyle and keel end up seeing some people that they new and stuff lol .. it was crazy .... me and tara was just in our pajamas lol .. it was 2 funny lol .. well then we ride around for like ever ...... skipin some parts ........ then we come back to my house and stay down stairs .. lol .. that was so crazy omg lol ... ...skipin parts ......wont go into detail lol .. and yeah so my night was pretty much crazy .. they just left and yeah lol .. well .. im so sleepy and i will right later on today maby lol .. buhbi lol call cell 205~212~4527