Fun back to school survey, YAY! lol

Aug 25, 2004 21:24

01. What grade are you entering:  11th
02. What time does school start this year: 8:05
03. What time does school get out: 2:45
04. Have you done all of your 'back to school' shopping: No, I do tomorrow and Saturday! :)
05. Are you excited to be going back: Sorta, this year might bum a lil
06. What class did you miss the most: Biology, lol, BEST class, to funny..... lol
07. What person did you miss the most:  All of my friends!
08. Which class is your hardest this year: Probably Algebra 2
09. Which class is your easiest:  Uhhhh...... I don't know if any will be easy or not yet
10. Which class is your favorite: I'm not there..... shhh
11. Which teacher is going to be your favorite: I'm guessing Mr. Lee, he's funny
12. Still riding the bus, or driving:  Bus until Feburary
13. Plan on changing your 'image' this year?:  No, I just wanna lose weight dangit!!!!!!
14. What's your number one goal for this year: Getting better grades
15. How long will it take for you to be sick of school again: Until some1 makes me mad, lol, but by the next day I should be over it.
16. Any of your friends in your lunch period?:  Kristin, Josh..... and that's all I know of so far
17. What 'group' do you belong to at school: I think we were called the "non-drugies" or sumthin like that..... I like that group though. :p
18. Happy with that? Or sad: Happy!
19. Are you trendy? Coolest kid in school. New clothes maybe:  Noppa
20. Who are you going to try to befriend this year: Uh, I don't plan these things out, lol, it just happens.
21. Still staying up until 2am and sleeping to noon?:  Only if I plan on missing school every day!
22. What time are you going to have to wake up:  6:30ish
23. Afternoon naps, or no?:  Hehehe, prolly..... I get so tired
24. Do you plan on attending the football games?:  Yup yup!
25. Do you plan on attending the dances?:  Yeah buddy!!!
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