(no subject)

Jul 18, 2005 17:59

* SoRRy I haVEnt UpdaTEd thiS weEk, iVE bEEn ReaLLY buSy!

- chEErlEAdiNG starTed
- The WeddINg waS saTuRdaY.. thAT was Fun :D

AnYWayS -- noThinG iS reALLy NEw.. sAmE oL sTuFF, HAnGin With RacH, JacKIe aND daVId

* WedDinG pIctURes *

- RacH anD nOAh.. ThE NewLyweDs -

- mE aND RacH... tHE bRiDe!!

- Us haVIN a LiL piCtuRe Fun! hA -

- uS aT ceNTraL paRk, taKin a BReak frOM the LimO! -

- Me, Rach, anD raelyn at The RecePtiON -

- Me aND daVId aT the RecEptiOn  :D -
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