* OoK sO heRes whaTs bEen GOin On The LAst CouPLe daYs! *
- WoRk
- HaNgiN ouT wIth JaCkIE
- ToDay i hUNg ouT wiTH jILL
- HunG ouT wiTh DavId the OthEr nIgHt
So NoT muCH iS nEw .. TomoRRoW im GOiNG to GrandVilL wiTh Rach And jaCkie, And Were GoInG shOPPin! :D I goTta Get DavID sometHIng feR hiS bIRthday!
* I foUnd OUt SomE goOD nEws ... *
So I hEarD THE oTher Day JEssICa iS coMIng to THe soaRing EaGle oN auGusT 25 anD AHH i WanNA go So BAd! SO i Talk to RachEl abOUT it AND her MOm was LiKE yea WE THought ABoUT it ANd YouR guNNa go And then Juss StaY in JEffs ApaRtmEnt!! :D YAY!! IM SOOOO EXCITED -- anD thEre IS oNLy 71 dAyS unTiL the LuCKy Day ARriVes!!