Jun 11, 2005 11:55
* i LovE suMMeR *
- ItS gLoRioUs.. EVen THo Its KInda WaRm - itS nIce GoiNg To the bEach OR swImmIN in PooLs evEryDay! Sun BuRN is A nEgiTIve Tho! But Hangin Out With eveRyoNE (even the boys in our grade believe it or not!) iS gREat!! <3-
Last Night i had a Night off of woRk believe it oR noT -- anD i went aNd waTchEd raChels Dance Rescitle! (sp?) It was GreAt! Then all 11 of us went to fricanos!! :D YuMMM!!
It waS abOUt 11:45 aFter We goT donE eaTin So i JusT WenT hoME afTEr ThaT with A fuLL bELLy And SlepT! :D
* toDay I goTTa sTOp aT some OpEn hOUSes aNd thEn gO to WOrK :-\ BlaHH * oHweLL!
.:* HoPE yOU aLL havE a greaT weEkeNd! *:.