So SchOOL`S aLmoSt DonE-- thAnk gOd! SuMmEr wiLL be GreaT i BEt bUt it mEanS us girls BarEly HAngin OuT aGaIN -- thAts Just HoW it GoeS yAno! aNYhoW toDay Was finE - anD tomoRroW wiLL be Too .. LunCh wiTH somE OF the GiRls anD then Who KNowS - PizzA hUT in FeRrysBuRg if anYonE else WanTs to JoiN!
sO AnYHow IvE doNE somE thiNkiNG agaIN anD i deciEded iD spILL it Out - If yoU wanNA reAd then Go FeR it anD if Not THen DonT.
So todAy as I sAid i did Some MAjOR thinKin! scHoOl is So duMb anD so Is eveRy pErSon in iT! We AlL caUse DraMA anD evEryONe tAlks shIt wEtHer thEy admItt IT oR noT.. But iVe comE to thE coNcluSiON -- I am me, and although im not the britest crayon in the box, or even the best looking either, somehow every other crayon in the box learns to deal with me. So hEre`s to My FelloW craYonS
* JacKiE - Youd PrOLLy be green b/c Your alWays Full oF liFe, wether your angry or happy your always there for someone- IM glAd weRe bEttEr nOW!
* Rachel - YouD ProLLy Be Bright BlUe b/c whenever your ArouNd anYonE yOUr alWays HappY -- NevEr a GreY stoRmY clOUd in siTe
* hILLarY - YouD deFinAtly Be black anD aLthouGh ITs nOt mUch OF a CoLor iTs pRllY a GooD thiNG b/c You NevEr caRe abOUt anYthiNG! If SOmeThING is wrONg yoU alwayS sEEm TO finD away To Fix It!
* dAniELLe - YouD pROllY bE yEllOw b/C YouR noRmaLLy alwayS in A CheErfuL moOD
* kRistI anD kRisTen - YouD deFinaTLy bE diFfereNT shaDes Of Tan b/C ThaTS alL yOU dO Is Tan AT thE beaCh!!
* JiLLiaN - YoUd pRolLY bE pInk AlOnG wiTH mE b/c yaNO wE`rE tHe girLY GiRlS!
* ScRaVeR - YouD bE thE whiTe craYon b/c wHite Fits With AnyTHinG anD yOU aS a PersoN gO wiTH anYonE!
-- So YEa thatS reaLLy chEEsY in aLL buT whAT i GuesS im TrYIn to Say Is THank You ALL So Much fEr alL that You DO! YouR alL amAzIN anD wiTHouT yoU iD bE nO whEre! I loVE YOu so Much And thaNKs fEr pUttin Up With My on boTH mY GooD anD roTTen DayS! I hOpe This SummEr iS a GooD onE anD that WE aLL hanG oUt toNS! <3 --
* I knOW i DidNT namE evEryONe buT evEn thO YouR namE may NoT be ON hEre DonT woRRY yOUr JusT As iMpORtanT!