(no subject)

Apr 16, 2005 21:48

* YesteRdaY - Went to work.. got out almost 2 hours late :'( couLDnt hAng OUt with My BabY! :-\ CamE hoME CraNKy and went to bed.

*tOdaY :
. mOrnIng . WoKE Up anD My MOm MisSeS mE sinCe IM gone all the TIme. She WanTed tO go GaraGe saLing ... :\ BuT whATevEr makes heR hAPPy I guEss. wEnt wiTH hEr ANd then My *ReaL* dad Called me and wanted me to go up and see em.. yea thats right.. my *REAL* dad.. so i couldnt say no since i only see em like 5 times a year.

. NoOniSH . At mY PoPs HouSe .. HanGin OUt.. BEinG bORed.. BUt EH SeeiN em Was NIce :D

. NigHt . WenT to WOrk AT 5:30 - 9:00 camE HomE, ANd now I havE a HUGE heaDacHe.. OHweLL..

[[[ ToMorRoW - GoiNG to ChURcH.. EatIN lUnCH wiTH thE famIly.. THEN SPENDING THE REST OF THE DaY/niGht With DavID :D ]]]

--> NoTHIn ElSe iS nEW.. So Im GuNNA gO

<3 MUcH LoVE - AuT
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