Nov 07, 2004 13:33
Wow friday was amazing!!! My house was crazy so i left to acds. i chilled there with her n lakley. then acd n her mom went to go pick up nate while me n lakley stayed home. Lol. then they came back n liz n jessica showed up. we chilled fer like a half hour, then we went n pick up sara n nate stayed at acds lol cause aaron was sussposed to pick him up. well we got back n he was still there. so we all cramed into liz's car n headed up to the movies. we got there n we couldent get in cuz the ppl there are gay n said were all under 17! whateva. so we wernt gunna let that ruin our night so we all went to laser tag. it was me liz sara acd nate jessican aaron billy this kid matt(may i add was realllly cute) n some other kid i dont know his name. we chilled there until we went in. while we were waiting some how my phone got slamed in liz's car door so now i cant see shit on the screen so i can onlie make a revieve calls(SO NO ONE TEXT MY PHONE)alwell mommas gettig me a new camera phone fer christmas!!!!yeahh lol After all that we went back to acds n me n sara had to run back to my house cause we were late but my moms alldone soo she dident even knoe. so we bagged my mom to let us go back to acds n we did chilled ther fer like 10 mins n came home. fell asleep n woke up the next morning n did nothing. that was my friday night soo now im out disssss beiootchhh. Later