WAYWAYWAYWAY too many pictures .

Mar 04, 2006 21:17

ok, so thursday was, no doubt, THE BEST night of my life . for mine & becky's & noogie's bday we went with the favorites to Hollywood for sushi & the Motion City Soundtrack concert at the Henry Fonda Theatre . it was AMAZING . i have never been felt up, pushed, shoved, grabbed, thrown around, pushed around, etc . that much in my life . it was insane . we saw The Spill Canvas, Plain White T's, OkGo (ahh, i'm obsessed with them, the lead singer is beautiful) & Motion City Soundtrack . we pushed & shoved our way to the VERY front row . we were SOSOSOSO close . we definitely got the shit kicked out of us but it was WAY worth it . it was SUCH a good show .



nina's gangstaa .


the browns .

the blonds .. & MR.MANOOOOG ! hahaa (fyi - he IS a REAL LIFE rockstar .. nojoke)

haha .. fucking rude asain lady didn't like lindsay . small cup .


we love eachother .

michelle - "april, roll your eyes at that ." lmao .

i think she likes me .

when we pulled into the parking lot mr.manoogie saw a guy walking to a tour bus & asked us if he was in the band & we were like "OMGOMGOMGOMG !!" & becky rolled down her window & said "hey !! are you in the band ??" & he said yea & posed for a picture hahaha .

after that we were really excited .

seven jeans ; true religion .

as we were walking in we saw the guy that was walking on the tour bus & we stopped & asked him to take a picture with us & the one other guy from the band that he was with . he asked us where we were from & when we told him moorpark he said his girlfriend went to moorpark high . soo tight .

lovers .

before the show, noogie & i played upstairs :]

we were wayy far away on that one at the begining . but we eventually got closer . they were pretty good .

hahaha .


lindsay is so cute <3

it was SO packed . it got insane . people were fighting & moshing & shit .

they were amazing . me & becky screamed the entire 'hey there delilah' song . at first we were kinda far away ..

but we pushed our way closer & almost got our asses kicked haha .


"i thought she was perfect, she thought i was perfect tooo .. perfect untill she found someone newwwww ."

ahahhahaha BFF !! freaking becky . that girl, by the end of the night, was like on top of me . hahaha .

nina & becky singing to eachother .

me & manoog singing to eachother .

ahhhh, the lead singer was GORGEOUS . i'm in LOVE with him . he kept doing this half smile thing, ahh, it was amazing . then he took out a beer & started drinking & then he set it down & started crowed surfing .. & he was face down ... & he went over us .. & yea ... i grabbed it .. if you know what i mean .. haha, leave it to me . i love them .

omg, *#^%&#%*$(@ i want to have his babies .

haha it got sooo packed, some guy started backing his shit up on me .

but it was ok, he was hot hhaha .

i guess OkGo has a music video of just them dancing .. so they did the dance, haha it was tight .

my camera died by the time they came on :[ but they were sooo good . we were in the very front row . the lead singer had a piece of paper taped to the floor next to him with the order of the songs & we were so close that i could read the paper . it was great .
haha we were so hot & sweaty & gross .

hahah, the security guard .

twinsies .

OH && .. while Motion City was on, all of a sudden, Mark Hoppus from Blink182 came on & sang part of 'perfect teeth' .

:[ i wish i had more of motioncity . they were soo good . hmmmm, i love my friends .
best night of my life <333

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