"so it dawned on me that" i havent posted a livejournal in an wicked long time. so i guess i have the time now so i guess ill write one
hmmm what have i been up to lately.....
well theres that and...
that. yeah i also did a bit of singing
yes that actually is my 18th century madrigals costume.
well that pretty much summarizes what ive been doing with my school days. diving and singing.
hmm but i guess ill get to the weekend. so i dont remember half the stuff i did besides hanging out with jenelle and seeing happy feet with nick and her "boy" who we beleive to be gay. oh i love that girl. well anyways.
the one part i truely remember about this weekend vividly is being in nicks arms. i wouldnt let that feeling go for the world
yeah....sometimes i can tend to be nice.....just not often