Mar 30, 2005 17:39
hello...yesterday or the day b4 me and kayla spent the nite at courtney's house and kayla like had a girl fight(lol courtney cheerin us on singin the girl fight song lol) but we were just playin around we do this like everyday lol...we are with eachother so much we act like sisters(but we are so lol)
but yea so we spent the nite there and had a wild nite lol. And then the next day we went to the sanford mall...but i didnt buy nething. Then i went home and just hung around and waited for kayla to come over to spend the like i said we are with eachother everyday...we were only apart yesterday for like 2 hours before we we with eachother again lol.
And then last nite she spent the nite we didnt reali do much last nite tho. Just had an awful sleep lol cuz we slept in ym tiny bed =). Tyen we woke up around 9:30 and had breakfast and then went on the computer and i took a shower and we both got our bathensuits and layed out for a bit...didnt get much tan tho=(. We came in after tht and tried makin rootbeer floats lol dint workout the best o well. Then we just litened to music and stuff and i made us lunch lol. She left left about a half an hour ago and now it is liek 5:45 and i'm sitten home doin nothing. I cant wait till tommorow tho i'm goin to Daytona Lagoon with Kayla(haha we are with eachother AGAIN liek always) but i love so much i cant spend a day without seein her lol. Well i gtg find soemthing to do 0ok! Bye-Bye!
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