blah. . .

Dec 04, 2004 00:30

yea i suck. i really do... heres my problem..
i really really like mike (my boyfriend) and i love charlie (far friend whom ive known for so long its hard not to miss him)well yea i love charlie..mike doesnt know im gunna tell him and i just dont want anything bad to happen between me n mike, i can trust him with everything and i hope this situation wont ruin anything. i dont wanna loose a great boyfriend or a totally awesome friend that ive known like all my life. and mikes not like a back up guy for when i get lonely.. hes nothing like that.. i just finally noticed my feelings for charlie are strong... like i cant concentrate in school strong. i kinda wished i never moved.. but then i wouldnt have all these friends that love and care about me.. and i deff dont wanna loose them. i know everything doesnt always suck.. things are always worst.. i might be making sumthing little into a huge deal but i need to stop like keeping things to myself so i might as well write in my LJ since i havent in the longest time. yea so back on topic.. i know older people say that us "young ones" dont know anything about "love" but trust me i really do love charlie ive known i said that before but i mean this more than ever. i would love to be with charlie but he lives like over 1000 miles away.. i kinda feel like im cheating on mike.. telling charlie that i love him and everything yet i have a boyfriend closer and i know her cares about me.. yea im a shitty girlfriend.. well i think im about done but if i left anything unanswered please ask and ill explain...

Love Always and Forever,
Tiffany <33
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