crazy mother fucking weekend.
Ali slept over 1 night..and me and Pete went to see tristan at like 2am
cus it was his birthday
then Pete ended up like sleeping over my house, and ali was knocked out
we had to like sneak Pete out my window hahaha i dont even remember
another day ALi Alicia JessKay and pete came over
we met up with lots of people
that happened twice
the other night me alicia and jessK
were in freds car with steve..and like we lost ali and tim
so we ended up going to revere beach
and then we got lost for 5 hours
it was so funny..we had no gas..
and we were in fucking new hampshire and all theese
places we had no idea
and everytime we asked for directions it was wiked fucked up
the 1st time, the lady told us to go to another town for directions
the 2nd time, the people we asked wanted beer
the 3rd time, we asked this snobby guy and i asked if i could pet
his dog and he was like.. "no, hes okay" and i was like..wiked rude of him
and he gave us like so many directions and we
were wiked fucked up and no one had any idea wat he said
the 4th time, we asked this lady wat town we were in..
and APPARENTLY she didnt speak english..or she was trashed..
she was like.."hallo, halloween..o shit.." and then walked away
it was the funiest thing ever
so many funny things happened but i dont remember them
but hurr are some pictures
alex hanging off freds car that was going like 50mph
randy and his nifty mohawk
joe in tha air