
Apr 17, 2005 22:39

Long Interesting Survey. 171 questions.

Created by -x-I-Caught-Fire-x- and taken 298 times on bzoink!
..::* YOU *::..Name?EmilyNickname?EmAge?14Grade?8thEye Color?BlueHair Color?blondeSingle or taken?takenWhere do you live?Media..::* PICK ONE *::..Rock or Pop?rockRap or RnB?neitherIn a guy...Light or Dark hair?light...brown or green eyes?green...hazel or blue eyes?blue...Taller or shorter than you?taller...doesn't take much...Long or Short hair?longTamagotchi or Digi (GiGa) Pet?gigaGuitar, Drums, or Piano?pianoBurger King or McDonalds?BKPepsi or Coke?pepsi7 Up or Sprite?7 upSlice or Orange Crush?sliceCats or Dogs?kitty!Vegitarian or Bloody Meat Eater ?? ^_^well when you put it that wayLand or Sea?seaBlack, White, or Rainbow?blackNinja or Pirate?lol pirateIce Cream or Cake?ice cream cake..::* YOUR FAVORITE *::..color?pink!band?i dunno singer?i dunnosubject? scienceartist?i dunnowebsite?live journalclass?scienceeye color?greenhair color?blondepart of day?nightseason?summerbook?the perks of being a wallflowermovie?napoleon dynamitetv show?i don't watch tvplace to hang out?my basementDare?i dunnoUtensil (Spork, Spoon, Fork, ect..)sporkIce Cream Flavor?i dunno..::* NOW *::..What time is it?10:25Date?april 17th How are you?alright i guess..::* YOUR LIFE'S SOUNDTRACK *::..Curtains Open..Waking UpGoing to work / schoolHanging out with friendsFalling in loveSex SceneFight scene with your loverbreaking upgetting back together with your loverfighting with best friendlong long night alone.really really depressed sitting in your roomtelling someone you hate themlooking out in the rain thru your windowdancing in the rainsinging in the rain?laying under the stars with your loverfeeling sickjust wanna be aloneeating..Curtains Close....::* STUPID QUESTIONS *::..the infamous question.. are you a virgin?yeahDo you..drink?no...smoke? drugs?no...self mutilate??What religion are you?christian..kindaHow many siblings?13 words that describe, spontanious,hyperHow many guys have you been with?8...girls?noneWho is your role model?all my friendsWho do you find the most disgusting?i dunnoDo you laugh a lot?yeahDo you cry a lot?not reallyDo you smile a lot?yeahWhat was your most embarassing moment?i dunno..Happiest moment?i dunno ...Saddest moment?i dunno...Most memorable?i dunnoWhen do you wanna get married?when i find the right person...Kids?yea..if yes, how many?4What do you wanna be? (job):chils psychologistOne thing you want the most?i dunnoWhat person do you wanna fall in love with?i'm in loveIf you could write a book , what would you name it?i woudln't write a bookCan you sing?i try...draw?no...act? an instument? dead?never triedAre you a risk taker?not reallyAre you the life of the party?hell yeahAre you sXe ?sure..::* BELIEFS *::..Love at first site?sureSoul mates?sureTrue Love?yeahFairies?noGhosts?noAliens?noGod?noHeaven?noHell?noAngels?no..::* HAVE YOU EVER *::..Danced in the rain?i don't dance...especiall in the rainPartied till the sun came up?um not relaly partiedgone too far on a dare?noSpun around so much that you were dizzy?yeahFainted?no..::* WHAT IS YOUR STAND ON *::..Aborion?if its cause of rape the its ok Death Penalty?depends on what you didGays / Lesbians / Bis ?okProstitution?hey it makes moneyPresident Bush?dickRacism?eh Sex before marrige?okReligion?i don't believe in godSuicide?there are better way to solve thingsCloning?if ppl can figure it out, they have to much free timePorn?that makes money toDownloading Music?using your resources..::* PEOPLES AND FRIENDS *::..Who is your best friend?chels and erin...Funniest?all my friends have their moments... Cutest (guy)?mike... Hottest (girl)?erin def... Awsome-est?mike...Most hyper?erin...Shyest?me...Calmest?BEN... weirdest?chris...most normal?ben...Most boy/ girl crazy... or in love?melissa and ben...coolest?martin...You can trust with your life?i trust all my friends... You can trust to keep all your secrets?see above..::* LAST TIME *::..When was the last time you.. cried?i dunno..laughed?today..talked to someone?today.. hugged?yesterday.. kissed?yesterday.. felt depressed?thursday..faked sick?never.. lied?i don't remember.. played a sport?today..::* END *::..Did you like my survey?sureAre you glad the damn thing is finally over?sureIs it any good?yeahDo you need a life?yeahShould you be sleeping at this hour?probablyHave you ever tried to count the stars?no god i can't count that highBYE ::waves::
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haha i love thses things
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