Mar 06, 2005 09:39
hey i know i haven't updated in a long time but oh well i've been really busy. now im at jes's house. jen n i slept over n it was fun. we watched halloween h20 then the blair witch project after jen n i got back, we had 2 go home to set up chairs n shit for my mom's piano recital today. ne way then we were so freaked out, not really scared but it was really freaky. then we watched 13 going on 30. that was a fuckin great movie. jes n i were talkin about how we wish life could b like a movie. lol. we just kinda hung out for a while n decided that on a long weekend we need to get all of the halloween movies n have a movie marathon. fun fun. now jes is in the shower n everythin. im kinda nervous though cuz im goin to the docter 2morrow about my knee. wish me luck. well i g2g eat breakfast so yea. ttyl. luv ya jes.