Oct 08, 2004 23:31
ok thursday..in school was pretty damn gay n boring like it always is..n then i came home n my day got even better...my mom told me that if i didnt talk with more respect to her then blah blah blah....n then i told her that i had no respect for her...n she totally went phsyco..n called my dad..n wanted to send me away..how fucking sweet lol..yeah she told me i wasnt aloud to use anythin in my room...and she was turnin the power off in my room..haha...yeah ok..but then i also told her why i cant stand her is because she goes through all my shit constantly...n this time she was really serious about sendin me to my dads...she called him n everything lol..i found it funny..n then i found out later..that holly makes me seem like the ass..by crying to her grandma tellin her that everything she does is wrong..n then online she fucking told me how we never do anything..but ok this makes no fucking scence...but then i told her to call me then..n i told becca that i didnt kno if i was gunna go to her house today(friday)..because i would go with holly to the football game then..guess wat..wat a shocker..holly never called me n decided that she was gunna go to allis...ok..yeah shes the one who was complainin how we never hang out nemore...so its her fault..n im not the fuckin ass..she is..so she needs to tell her grandma..that its her fault n needs to stop makin it look like shes so fuckin perfect..n she never does anything wrong..yeah so holly i think u need to let her kno...but then TODAY..i went to school..it was such a fucking easy day lol..it went by fast..n then block d we had the prep rally...but then i went to beccas after school..holy shit her bus is fucking craaaazy...anyways...n then once we got there we sast around on r asses for a while.....n then..we got ready n we watched a movie..n then we left n went to the football game : )....we lost our homecoming game..i mean come on we were 5-0...n then we lose..wats wrong with us...the football game was a whole bunch of fun lol..i got to see heather who i havent seen in a loong ass time...n then i hung out with a bunch of people...n met some new poeple...WHO THE FUCK IS J???..lmao..everyone in like the middle school..always asks if thats j..im j...i dunno who j is ahh..n i was smackin all the guys asses..he..josh u have a nice ass lmao...but then i got some beads..n umm DOUG is so amazingly hot oh daamn..lol but then other shit happened to...but then we left went back to beccas place..mariah thought we were gunna sneak out.but lol we werent,....but then we watched a really sad movie.mhmm..but then we went to sleep...AND 2MORROW is my birthday!!!!OOH YEAH..but then im still pissed off at holly..yep...but yeah gooodbye..but then im annoyed at her...but im good blah blah yeah bye