Jul 17, 2004 21:11
well today waz fun. today i woke up round eleven it waz nice sleepi in. then i sat around the house n stuff and decided to call alyssa to see if she could come over. well she came over n stuff.we just chilled out and played with the kittins and talked online to ppl. we played halo for a bit. and then we went to go swimmin then we noticed that it had just rained. after that we just kept chillin out n stuff. she says i kept looking at her boobs lol. damn she caught me lol jk.ummmmm my mom took us to block buster and we rented some movies.one called shark zone and scarey movuie 3. afetr we got in line. me and alyssa went outside to wait for my mom. and i asked her out and she said yes so yea im happy w00000t im goin out with alyssa..so when we got home we watched shark zone wich waz fun.then we went out side for a bit and played basketball.she beat me in pig so that goes to show i cant shoot lol.after that we went bak inside and chilled out.we took some pics with the digital camera wich waz fun.and i got a kiss lol w0000t lol.ummmm after that we kinda had to take alyssa home but yea thats kinda been my day so far.but ummm yea i think thats it.well im out ppl. later
mike @~`,~`,~