Back home from Egypt... finally. Two weeks of vacation in 36 degrees celcius were veeeery good. But it's also good to get back home, but not when your bloody flight gets delayed for five hours after having already been at the airport three hours before the original departure... and then baggage claim being delayed for forty minutes as well. So I pretty much fell into a dead heap on my bed when I finally got into my apartment at 1 am. I'll post pictures at some point, but if you want some already, then head over
draco_crescendo's journal. ^_^ There'll be lots of pretty pictures. Heee.
It's freakishly cold here too XD *shivers*
Also... I've finally gotten the results of my last exams, which is good, cause I actually passed it. Barely, but I passed it. And that class was not my best subject, far from it.
Oh, umm... I should probably start posting some art as well. It's been over two months since that's happened. Err and I should draw some more, and I will! Got holidays now, without having to worry about exam results for now.
But mostly because LJ hates me when I try to post pictures.... goes all screwy and nutty. Though, you can always poke your heads over to my DA account *points at the links to the left* DA is nicer to me when I post something, so it's more up to date.
Laters, when I get art up that has been gathering dust for a while now.