Because I'm slow and a complete berk and forgot to do this among other things when the Masterlist was first released. *facepalm* I signed up for
wizard-love waaaaaay back last year and the masterlist was released a couple of weeks ago....
I got this brilliantly stunning pic from
itsbeenvery James & Lily, NWS!. Scroll down! So lovely and gorgeous and all mine. Hehehehe.
And then there's my entry for
kabal42. It was a fun challenge, my first threesome and my first NC-17. Gaah-eeep. But I think it turned out nicely. ^_^
Threesome, definitely not worksafe, Beware! More scrolling down. Lol.
It's Harry/Draco/Luna with a bit of light bondage.
And that's about it for now.