There is just little over one week until Sectus begins!!!! Whoo!
I returned yesterday from vacation with the parents and baring the minor monsoon thursday, it was alright. But enough about that. XD
SECTUS! I found a nice little email waiting for me in my... well, actually, it had been thrown into the spam box and not the inbox... but anyway, the email was from
wednesdayjones and it seems I've been added to the Acromantula team for the TriLondon Tournament. It's named after a giant SPIDER... eeeep. Lol. This is going to be so much fun!
Which teams are any of you on?
On another note, before I left on vacation I managed to finish the two pieces of art for the Charity Art Gallery, I offered to do.
They will be up for sale along with several other brilliant pieces by great artists, so save a bit of money and spend it on a good cause.
Here's a preview of the two if you're interested. The first is done with Oil paints and the second is down with Acrylics, both are on canvas.
See you all at Sectus! Eight days!